Belonging matters to me. Show me it matters to you.
has new rules
We’re running organisations in a world that is wide awake to systemic racism, toxicity and misogyny, is battling burnout, is more concerned about our social and environmental impact and now sees that an alternative future of work is possible. It’s not business as usual for workplace belonging.
is a choice
People are choosing where to invest their energy. Organisations that are actively addressing inequalities, building nurturing cultures, and standing up for the pressing issues of our time, are a magnet for talent. Behaviour counts, and how leaders are showing up is a deal maker or breaker.
is a superpower
There’s amazing strength in being a place that genuinely reflects what their people value most. True belonging creates leaders everywhere and instils shared responsibility as standard, inspiring invested people to bring their best. It’s next generation organisational effectiveness.
is made
We create it together, and it starts with our Leaders. We unlearn what is no longer fit for purpose and courageously reimagine our future with positive impact and responsible business at the core. We up-skill with new capabilities for the workplaces of now, and who we want to be tomorrow.
We make the place that people choose to belong to.
welcome to new ways
New Ways is a behaviour change consultancy that works with leaders to create progressive, anti-racist and equitable organisations that people choose to belong to. We work on creating meaningful, lasting systemic change that builds stronger organisations that all kinds of people want to be part of.
We work at the intersection of progressive coaching, organisational development, future of work and creative consultancy to develop leaders and cultures that attract passionate, invested people, have a positive impact on workforce and society and are a beacon of inspirational light for their sector.
"I choose to work where I belong"
"I choose to work where I belong" –
“My mantra has always been ‘I choose where I put my energy'. I believe that when we feel valued, supported and empowered, anything is possible.”
–Letesia Gibson, Founder